App Store Connect

App Store Connect

How to submit apps to App Store Connect

How to Publish Your App on App Store Connect

  1. Sign up for an Apple Developer Account:

    • Go to the Apple Developer website.
    • Click on "Account" and then "Sign Up".
    • Follow the prompts to create your developer account. You'll need to provide payment information. Apple Developer membership costs $99 per year.
  2. Enroll in the Apple Developer Program:

    • Once you have a developer account, enroll in the Apple Developer Program.
    • Choose the appropriate membership type (Individual or Organization) and complete the enrollment process.
    • Pay the annual fee if required.
  3. Access App Store Connect:

    • Once enrolled, log in to your Apple Developer account.
    • Go to the "Membership" section and ensure your enrollment is complete.
    • Access the "App Store Connect" section from the Developer account dashboard.
  4. Create an App Store Connect Account:

    • In the App Store Connect dashboard, click on "My Apps".
    • If it's your first time, click on the "Create App" button.
    • Enter the required information for your app, including the name, primary language, bundle ID, and SKU.
  5. Prepare Your App for Submission:

    • Develop and thoroughly test your app to ensure it meets Apple's guidelines and standards.
    • Prepare all necessary assets such as app icons, screenshots, descriptions, and keywords.
  6. Submit Your App for Review:

    • In App Store Connect, navigate to the app you want to submit.
    • Click on "Prepare for Submission" and complete all required sections including the App Information, Pricing and Availability, and Build.
    • Upload your app binary using EAS or the Transporter app, as described in the template documentation.
    • Once all sections are complete and your app is uploaded, click on "Submit for Review".
  7. Wait for Review:

    • After submission, your app will enter the review process. This typically takes a few days but can vary depending on the app's complexity and current review queue.
  8. Review Feedback:

    • If your app passes the review, it will be approved, and you'll receive an email notification.
    • If any issues are found during the review, you'll receive feedback from Apple. Address these issues and resubmit your app for review.
  9. App Release:

    • Once your app is approved, you can set its release date and make it available for download on the App Store.
    • Choose the appropriate release options based on your marketing strategy.
  10. Monitor Performance:

  • Keep track of your app's performance using the analytics tools provided in App Store Connect.
  • Respond to user feedback and make updates to improve your app over time.