

Learn how to configure AIO

πŸ”¦ What AIO comes with:

  • Authentication - Firebase Auth
  • Analytics - Firebase Analytics
  • Web Payments - Stripe
  • In-App Purchases - RevenueCat
  • Database - Firestore
  • SEO - NextJS server-side rendering
  • Internationalisation - i18n on all platforms
  • Remote Push Notifications - Firebase Messaging
  • Mobile Measurement Partner - AppsFlyer

  • Expo (React Native + React Native Web)
  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • Redux Toolkit
  • NativeWind (cross-platform styling)
  • Solito (cross-platform navigation)
  • Moti / Reanimated (cross-platform animations)
  • React-Native-Reusables (cross-platform shadcn-ui)
  • Yarn Workspace Monorepo

πŸ—‚ Folder layout

  • apps entry points for each app

    • expo
      • app you'll be creating files inside of apps/expo/app to use file system routing on iOS and Android.
    • next
      • app (Next JS 14 App Directory) you'll be creating files inside of apps/next/app/[locale] to use locale-aware routing.
  • packages shared packages across apps

    • app you'll be importing most files from app/
      • assets your app images, svgs, icons, animations
      • features your app's screens for expo and next
      • provider (all the providers that wrap the app, and some no-ops for Web.)
      • hooks (your app's custom hooks)
      • interfaces (your app's custom interfaces)
      • design your app's design system. organize this as you please.
        • typography (components for all the different text styles)
        • layout (components for layouts)
      • constants your app's constants, envs
      • store your app's redux store
      • firebase your app's firebase config, and Auth Wrapper
      • lib utilities, hooks and constants for react native reusables
      • components your app's custom components
        • primitives contains react-native-reusables code for unstyled accessible components which uses radix-ui/primitives for the web.
        • ui contains react-native-reusables code for components styled with NativeWind. Most of these components are built using the primitives components.
      • utils your app's custom utilities

πŸ“š Libraries



  • Install dependencies: yarn
  • Replace Firebase, Stripe, Revenuecat API keys and envs in packages/app/constants/envs.ts
  • Replace expo configurations in apps/expo/app.json and apps/expo/eas.json
  • AppsFlyer SDK: (Optional)
    • To Add:
      • Uncomment the code for appsflyer in apps/expo/app/_layout.tsx
      • Replace your appsflyer API keys & ID in packages/app/constants/envs.ts
      • cd apps/expo, Then npx expo install react-native-appsflyer
      • Add this config in plugins array in apps/expo/app.json
        • ["react-native-appsflyer", {}]
  • Facebook SDK: (Optional)
    • To Add:
      • Install package: yarn add react-native-fbsdk-next
      • Uncomment the code for Facebook SDK in apps/expo/app/_layout.tsx
      • Uncomment the code for Facebook SDK in apps/expo/app.json and Replace with your keys
  • Replace google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist in apps/expo/google_services
  • Localization:
    • Translated text is in packages/app/translations
    • For using translated text in the app, import hook useTranslation from packages/app/utils/useTranslations
    • Add another language for localization
      • Add the json file in packages/app/translations
      • Add the language code in apps/next/i18n.ts, apps/next/middleware.ts, packages/app/store/slices/localeSlice.ts, packages/app/utils/navigation/config.ts, apps/expo/app/(root)/_layout.tsx
  • Nativewind v4.
    • For Expo it works fine.
    • For Next JS it doesn't work by default. The solution for now is to add /** @jsxImportSource react */ at the top of page.tsx or layout.tsx.
      • We will be updating the template when NativeWind has an improved solution for this.
  • React Native Reusables
    • Add a react native reusable component by following its documentation.
    • For example, adding Button component run command npx @react-native-reusables/cli@latest add button in packages/app
    • Add Lucide icons in packages/app/components/Icons.tsx

🏁 Start the app

  • Install dependencies: yarn

  • Next.js local dev:

    • cd apps/next
    • Then run yarn dev OR
    • Run yarn web at the root of the monorepo
  • Expo local dev in:

    • First, build a dev client onto your device or simulator
      • cd apps/expo
      • Then, either yarn android, or yarn ios
    • After building the dev client, Start Metro Server:
      • Run yarn start OR
    • Start from the root of the monorepo...
      • yarn native (This runs expo start --dev-client)

Pure JS dependencies

If you're installing a JavaScript-only dependency that will be used across platforms, install it in packages/app:

cd packages/app
yarn add date-fns
cd ../..

Native dependencies

If you're installing a library with any native code, you must install it in apps/expo:

cd apps/expo
yarn add react-native-reanimated
cd ../..

πŸ“¦ Included packages

  • solito for cross-platform navigation
  • moti for animations
  • nativewind for theming/design
  • Expo SDK 50
  • Next.js 14
  • Expo Router 3
  • Expo:
    • Permissions Included:
      • AppTrackingTransparency
      • Push Notification Permission
    • Onboarding Flow Included:
      • packages/app/features/onboarding/screen.tsx
    • Paywall Screen Included:
      • packages/app/features/subscription/screen.tsx

SEO Metadata:

πŸš€ Deployment


    • cd apps/expo
    • eas build --auto-submit

    • Connect GitHub repo with Vercel
    • Set root directory as β€œapps/next” in Vercel
    • Push code to the branch connected with Vercel
  • BUILD iOS VERSION: (Locally)

    • cd apps/expo
    • eas build --platform ios --local
  • DEPLOY iOS VERSION: (Locally)

    • Find the .ipa file in apps/expo generated via the local build command and upload to App Store Connect via the Transporter app.

    • cd apps/expo
    • eas build --platform android --local

    • Find the generated .apk file and go to Google Play Developer Console to upload a new build for production

Subscription Logic for Template:

  • We use RevenueCat as the single source of truth for cross-platform payment processing & subscription status checking.
  • Payment Logic:

    • User makes purchase on Android/iOS -> We use RevenueCat to handle IAP -> We save subscription status in Firestore
    • User makes purchase on Web -> We use Stripe to handle purchase -> We save subscription status in Firestore
    • Subscription statuses are automatically updated via the RevenueCat & Stripe Firebase Extensions whenever they are cancelled/renewed/expired etc.
  • Check Subscription Status:

    • User logs in on web -> We check for active subscription status in RevenueCat via their REST API.
    • User logs in on mobile -> We check for active subscription status in RevenueCat via their SDK

Auth Logic:

  • We use Firebase Auth, which makes auth super easy (it’s also completely free, unlike most auth services).
  • By default, Apple & Google auth options are enabled. Be aware that Apple login is required if you release your app on iOS with authentication.
  • If you wish to add more providers, it is very easy to do so.
  • Example Flow:

    • User registers with Apple (β€œ”) account
    • User tries to login with his Google account (connected to the same email)
    • Google is automatically added as an additional login option for the user.

πŸ› οΈ Local Development:

Install development build on iOS: (locally - requires Xcode installed)

  • cd apps/expo
  • eas build --profile development --platform ios --local
  • Go to -> Drag & drop your .ipa file -> Scan code with your phone
  • Go back to root directory (cd ../.. ) -> yarn native

Install development build on Android: (locally - requires Android Studio installed)

  • cd apps/expo
  • eas build --profile development --platform android --local
  • Install the generated .apk on your Phone or Emulator
  • Go back to root directory (cd ../.. ) -> yarn native

Install development build on iOS: (EAS Cloud Build)

  • eas build --profile development --platform ios
  • Go to on your phone -> Find your generated .ipa build -> Tap on install

Install development build on Android: (EAS Cloud Build)

  • eas build --profile development --platform android
  • Go to on your phone -> Find your generated .apk build -> Tap on install

Note: You will only need to make a new development build if you make any changes to native libraries. When you make any other changes, your app simply updates in real-time with hot reloading. Read more:

πŸŽ™ Special Thanks

Fernando Rojo

Follow Fernando Rojo, creator of solito, on Twitter: @FernandoTheRojo We highly recommend watching Fernando's talk here, as well as reading the Solito docs.

Mark Lawlor

Follow Mark Lawlor, creator of NativeWind, on Twitter: @mark__lawlor

Zach Nugent

Follow Zach Nugent, creator of react-native-reusables, on Twitter: @mrzachnugent