

Learn how to run ads effectively.

Facebook Ads

  1. Set Up a Facebook Business Manager Account:

    • If you don't already have one, sign up for a Facebook Business Manager account at
    • Follow the prompts to create your account and provide necessary business information.
  2. Add Your App to Facebook Business Manager:

    • In the Business Manager dashboard, navigate to "Business Settings" > "Apps".
    • Click on "Add" and follow the prompts to add your mobile or web app.
  3. Create a Facebook Ad Account:

    • Within Business Manager, go to "Business Settings" > "Ad Accounts".
    • Click on "Add" to create a new ad account or request access to an existing one.
  4. Install Facebook SDK or Pixel:

    • For mobile apps, integrate the Facebook SDK into your app. Follow Facebook's documentation for iOS or Android integration.
    • For web apps, install the Facebook Pixel on your website. You can find the Pixel code in the Events Manager section of Business Manager.
  5. Define Your Ad Campaign Objective:

    • Go to the Ads Manager section of Business Manager.
    • Click on "Create" to start a new ad campaign.
    • Choose an objective that aligns with your app's goals, such as App Installs, Traffic, Conversions, etc.
  6. Set Up Your Ad Campaign:

    • Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, etc.
    • Set your budget and schedule for the ad campaign.
    • Choose where you want your ads to appear (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network).
  7. Create Your Ad Creative:

    • Select the ad format that best suits your app (e.g., single image, carousel, video).
    • Upload your ad creative and customize the ad copy, headline, and call-to-action button.
  8. Set Up Tracking and Optimization:

    • Enable app event optimization to track specific actions users take within your app (e.g., purchases, registrations).
    • Use dynamic ads to automatically show relevant ads to users based on their interactions with your app or website.
  9. Review and Launch Your Ad Campaign:

    • Review all the details of your ad campaign to ensure everything is set up correctly.
    • Click on "Confirm" to launch your ad campaign.
  10. Monitor Performance and Optimize:

  • Keep track of your ad campaign's performance using Facebook Ads Manager.
  • Analyze metrics such as impressions, clicks, installs, and conversions.
  • Make adjustments to your targeting, ad creative, and budget based on performance data to optimize your campaigns.

  1. Sign Up for a Google Ads Account:

    • Go to the Google Ads website and sign up for an account.
    • Provide your business information and billing details.
  2. Create a Campaign:

    • Click on the "Campaigns" tab and then the "+ New Campaign" button.
    • Choose your campaign goal, such as website traffic, app installs, or leads.
  3. Set Up Your Campaign Settings:

    • Define your campaign type (Search, Display, Video, App, etc.).
    • Choose your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
    • Set your budget and bidding strategy.
  4. Create Ad Groups:

    • Within your campaign, create ad groups that target specific keywords or audience segments.
    • Write ad copy and select keywords relevant to each ad group.
  5. Create Ads:

    • Develop compelling ad creatives for each ad group, including headlines, descriptions, and display URLs.
    • Use ad extensions to provide additional information and improve ad visibility.
  6. Set Up Conversion Tracking:

    • Install Google Analytics or use Google Ads conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your ads.
    • Set up conversion actions to track specific user actions such as purchases or sign-ups.
  7. Review and Launch Your Campaign:

    • Review all campaign settings, targeting options, and ad creatives to ensure everything is set up correctly.
    • Click on "Save and Continue" to launch your campaign.
  8. Monitor Performance and Optimize:

    • Regularly monitor your campaign performance in the Google Ads dashboard.
    • Analyze metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS).
    • Make adjustments to your targeting, bidding, and ad creatives based on performance data to optimize your campaigns.

TikTok Ads:

  1. Sign Up for a TikTok Ads Account:

    • Go to the TikTok Ads website and sign up for an account.
    • Provide your business information and complete the verification process.
  2. Create a Campaign:

    • Click on the "Campaigns" tab and then the "+ Create" button.
    • Choose your campaign objective, such as reach, traffic, or app installs.
  3. Set Up Your Campaign Settings:

    • Define your campaign budget, schedule, and bidding strategy.
    • Choose your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  4. Create Ad Groups:

    • Within your campaign, create ad groups that target specific audience segments or placements.
    • Write ad copy and select creative assets such as images or videos for each ad group.
  5. Upload Creative Assets:

    • Develop engaging ad creatives that align with TikTok's creative guidelines.
    • Upload your creative assets, including images or videos, and customize ad elements such as captions and call-to-action buttons.
  6. Set Up Conversion Tracking:

    • Install the TikTok Pixel on your website to track conversions and measure the performance of your ads.
    • Set up conversion events to track specific user actions such as purchases or app installs.
  7. Review and Launch Your Campaign:

    • Review all campaign settings, targeting options, and ad creatives to ensure everything is set up correctly.
    • Click on "Launch" to start running your ads.
  8. Monitor Performance and Optimize:

    • Monitor your campaign performance in the TikTok Ads dashboard.
    • Analyze metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversion rate.
    • Make adjustments to your targeting, bidding, and ad creatives based on performance data to optimize your campaigns.